The Board of Forestry and Fire Protection announces the release of new tools for efficient California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) implementation and Project-Specific Analysis (PSA) preparation. Explore the CalVTP STORYMAP to find out more about the valuable suite of tools and information in this new Resource Library. Find a summary of this information, including links to the updated CalVTP webpage, example PSAs and PSA/Addenda, new FAQs, and implementation tools, here: Information on the CalVTP Resource Library.
The California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP), developed by the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection, is a critical component of the state’s multi-faceted strategy to address California’s wildfire crisis. The CalVTP includes the use of prescribed burning, mechanical treatments, manual treatments, herbicide application, and prescribed herbivory as tools to reduce hazardous vegetation around communities in the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI), to construct fuel breaks (shaded or non-shaded), and to promote ecological restoration. The CalVTP Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) provides a powerful California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance tool to expedite the implementation of wildfire resilience projects.
Project proponents can use the CalVTP to comply with CEQA for vegetation treatments consistent with the CalVTP Program EIR.
Who is a project proponent?
See the At-a-Glance panes below to review the functions and information available in the four corresponding CalVTP topics.
User Guide for the below Implementation Tools
Implementation Planning and Documentation:
Species Information for Implementation Planning:
Flow Charts for Implementation of Applicable Measures:
Additional Webinar Trainings
View Spatial Data and Environmental Documentation
Download CalVTP Projects Spatial Data
To aid in the planning of your VTP project, the Treatable Landscape Calculator tool can estimate the acres of your project within and outside of the ‘Treatable Landscape’. Before using the tool, download and read the Treatable Landscape Calculator User Guide HERE.
Data Entry Guide: How to submit proposed, approved, and completed projects.
Proposed Projects
Approved and Completed Projects